30 Day Fall Back Into Healthy Eating Habits Registration
This 30 Day program is a perfect marriage of combining whole foods with Essential Oils to help you detox, fight cravings and get the necessary supplements for you to feel great and make lasting changes to the way you eat.
"Terry's program was a great way to reset my body. It taught me to really think about the food I was putting into my mouth. Once I cleaned up my diet, I was able to figure out the foods that were causing me to feel sick and bloated. When I re-introduced gluten and dairy into my diet, I found it literally made me sick! I have continued to keep gluten and dairy out of my diet and I feel so much better! I believe our food is our medicine, if it can make us sick, why can't it make us well....Thank you Terry for helping me find a path to healthy eating habits. It was worth the challenge!:" Trish Cundiff
Unlike most diets, this is a navigation to achieving a permanent healthier lifestyle! There are no juices or counting calories - just plain, delicious, whole foods.
Here's the breakdown:
You're going to eliminate dairy, red meat, alcohol, caffeine, processed sugar and gluten. You will still be eating plenty of fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, chicken and fish. During the 30 days you will be drinking plenty of water with Lemon essential oil for cleansing and detoxification. Nothing you eat will come out of a bag or a box! You will be provided with tricks and tips to overcome sugar cravings and how to cope with nasty headaches that may come from caffeine withdrawal. Grocery store shopping tips and meal planning are also included to set you up for success!
Along with daily support and tips, you'll get the following to complete the cleanse:
- The 30 Fall Back To Healthy Eating Habits Manual
- A list of supplements and essential oils to be used throughout the cleanse (these are mandatory)
- Recipe suggestions
- Weekly Emails to provide instruction and provide moral support
- Weekly Exercise tips, videos with yoga and meditation
- Access to a Private Facebook Group
Terry's Time + Exercise + Daily Meditations + Videos + Recipes = Valued at Over $500
Yours for Only $99!!!
"This was one of the best cleanse's I've ever done. Once I got thru the first few days my sleep improved, my energy increased & I became much more focused. The best part about this cleanse is you get to eat real food. I walked away with a better understanding of the importance of clean eating & how certain foods really affect how I feel. I will definitely do the cleanse again!" Melissa
The 30 Day-Fall Back To Healthy Eating Habits Starts September 17, 2018!
And yes, that includes weekends. To gain access to all your materials, register below and I'll send you your welcome package via email. I promise that this is the best cleanse you'll try! If you're ready to make long-term changes, I'll be there with you every step of the way!
The Cleanse Costs only $99 to join. If you sign up with a friend, you pay $169. **All suggested supplements and food are NOT included in the price of the cleanse.** You will be able to purchase supplements through me directly. All details shall be supplied via email once you've registered.
Imagine being able to wake up feeling energized - knowing that what you are putting in your body is clean, healthy and supporting you in being your best self right now. We all get off track. We all indulge. So, occasionally we need to get clean and reconnect with exactly what our body needs. This cleanse is going to do just that.
What better time than NOW to get started!
As Fall approaches, it's an exciting time of year for the season's warm, grounding vegetables such as beets, turnip, brussels sprouts, to name a few. You'll have the support of others on a daily basis and I'll share with you tips on getting through tough cravings so you can stay the course. Why wait? You know you've talked about getting healthy - well, here's your chance to be successful! Join today!
Once you've signed up, keep an eye out for your Welcome email with additional details, recommendations and instructions!